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Countess™ 3 FL Automated Cell Counter + ABRC Extended Warranty

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更新时间:2023-05-11 15:37:07浏览次数:87次

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Countess™ 3 FL Automated Cell Counter + ABRC Extended Warranty


The Countess 3 FL Automated Cell Counter is a benchtop assay platform equipped with state-of-the-art optics, fully automated focus and lighting capability, and image analysis software driven by a neural network-based machine-learning algorithm, for rapid assessment of primary and immortalized cell lines. The Countess 3 FL counter is capable of brightfield or fluorescence illumination with three-channel flexibility (brightfield and two optional fluorescence channels) enabling researchers to count cells, monitor fluorescent protein expression, gain insights to apoptotic processes, and measure cell viability.

Accurate—eliminates the subjectivity of manual cell counting and user-to-user variability
Flexible—accepts up to two EVOS light cubes, user selectable from fifteen fluorescent channels
Fast—counts live and dead cells, measures viability, reports average cell size, and saves data with a single touch, in about 20 seconds
Convenient—requires no cleaning or routine maintenance; high-resolution capacitive touchscreen and simple user interface provide quick startup and requires minimal training

The Countess 3 FL Automated Cell Counter works in two simple steps:
1. Mix 10 µL of sample with 10 µL of trypan blue and pipet into a disposable Countess chamber slide.
2. Insert the slide into the instrument. Rapid Capture and Auto-Save modes allow cell counting with a single touch. Focus, lighting, and file saving are executed automatically.

Get accurate cell counts
The Countess 3 FL Automated Cell Counter uses trypan blue staining combined with auto-focus and lighting driven by a machine-learning image analysis algorithm to obtain accurate cell and viability counts. The measurement range extends from 1 × 104 to 1 × 107 cells/mL (the optimal range is 1 × 105 to 4 × 106 cells/mL), which is broader than that of a hemocytometer.

Simple operation with fluorescent application versatility
Operated using an intuitive user interface, automated cell counting with the Countess 3 FL counter gives you the data you need to prepare your sample for the next passage or experiment and allows you to multi-plex with a variety of fluorescent dyes and proteins excited via EVOS light cubes. You no longer need complex, expensive instruments to obtain reliable data.

Transfer data and images to your PC or cloud
Using the USB port on the Countess 3 FL Automated Cell Counter and any USB drive, you can save your cell count results and images and transfer them to your PC. (For your convenience, a USB drive and WiFI dongle are supplied with the Countess 3 FL instrument).

ABRC Extended Warranty
Keep your cell counter up and running with an extended warranty that covers all costs for shipping, parts, and labor for repairs. Learn more about our AB Repair Center (ABRC) service plan ’


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