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差分探头| P5205A

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更新时间:2023-11-08 09:09:39浏览次数:1086次

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探头 流量计 一氧化碳检测仪 红外热成像仪 频谱分析仪 直流稳定电源 高斯计 标准通用型磁通门计 电流探头 计数器 电阻测试仪 电桥 磁场处理电磁铁 波形发生器 电磁波测试计 数控恒流源 功率放大器 半导体管特性图示仪 标准电池 双填充柱进样器+双氢火焰检测器 双填充柱进样器+热导检测器 毛细管柱进样器+热导检测器 智能崩解仪 电表 全自动部份收集器 全自动试验支架 粉尘仪 高功能数显测力仪 经济型数显测力仪 检测器 比色计 张力仪 分流器 气候箱 搅拌机 摇床 紫外分析仪 闪点和燃点试验器 电位差计 交/直流标准电阻箱 指针式直流检流计 除湿机 电流互感器 超声波清洗器 温度记录仪 药物溶出仪 采样器 紫外可见分光光度计 数显高速分散均质机 箱式电阻炉 片剂脆碎度测定仪 智能溶出试验仪 密度计 逻辑分析仪 光度计 澄明度检测仪 小型包衣机 恒流泵 消毒箱 恒温恒湿箱 钳表 智能片剂硬度仪 熔点仪 电磁阀 智能微粒检测仪 电子天平 旋转蒸发器 测定仪 试验箱 高灵敏度热导检测器 万用表 气相色谱仪 氮磷检测器 油压缓冲器 电弧发生器 荧光分光光度计 信号分析仪 看谱镜 气体检测仪 信号发生器 功率计 压力表 普朗克常数 搅拌器 扭矩仪 铝盒 可见分光光度计 电力测试仪 自动液相色谱分离层析仪 有源探头 差分探头 无源电压探头 热电阻模拟器 风淋室 函数信号发生器 数显推拉计 毫伏表 数字微欧计 交直流钩表 直流电阻箱 水分测定仪 双层玻璃反应器 溶出度测试仪 声级计/噪音计 超声波探伤仪 转速表/频闪仪 粘度计 分析天平 粗糙度仪 风速仪表计|风温|风量|叶轮|热敏 示波器 里氏硬度计/邵氏硬度计/洛氏硬度计 温度表 红外线测温仪 测厚仪 测振仪 金属探测器
差分探头| P5205A The TMDP0200 and P5202A are designed for medium-voltage applications with differential requirements up to ±750 V. These probes have lower attenuation ranges and offer better signal-to-n

差分探头| P5205A

差分探头| P5205A

Features & Benefits

  • Bandwidths up to 200 MHz
  • Up to 6000 V Differential (DC + pk AC)
  • Up to 2300 V Common (RMS)
  • Overrange Indicator
  • Safety Certified
  • Switchable Attenuation
  • Switchable Bandwidth Limit


  • Floating Measurements
  • Switching Power Supply Design
  • Motor Drive Design
  • Electronic Ballast Design
  • CRT Display Design
  • Power Converter Design and Service
  • Power Device Evaluation

Safe High-voltage Probe Solutions

Tektronix offers a broad portfolio of high-voltage probing solutions that enable users to safely and accuray make floating measurements.


The THDP0100 and P5210A have the largest differential dynamic range capability from Tektronix, allowing users to safely measure up to ±6000 V. The THDP0100 supports bandwidths up to 100 MHz and slew rates up to 2500 V/ns at 1/1000 gain. These probes are supplied with two sizes of hook tips and have an overrange visual and audible indicator which warns the user when they are exceeding the linear range of the probe.


The THDP0200 and P5205A are active differential probes that are capable of safely measuring differential voltages up to ±1500 V. The probes are effective in making measurements in IGBT circuits such as motor drives and power converters. The THDP0200 supports bandwidths up to 200 MHz and slew rates up to 275 V/ns at 1/250 gain.


The TMDP0200 and P5202A are designed for medium-voltage applications with differential requirements up to ±750 V. These probes have lower attenuation ranges and offer better signal-to-noise ratio.


The P5200A can be used with any oscilloscope and enables users to safely make measurements of floating circuits with their oscilloscope grounded. The P5200A Active Differential Probe converts floating signals to low-voltage ground-referenced signals that can be displayed safely and easily on any ground-referenced oscilloscope.


WARNING: For safe operation, do not use the P5200A High-voltage Differential Probe with oscilloscopes that have floating inputs (isolated inputs), such as the Tektronix TPS2000 and THS3000 Series oscilloscopes. The P5200A High-voltage Differential Probe requires an oscilloscope or other measurement instrument with grounded inputs.












